A testnet that restarts every Wednesday launched from tezos/tezos master branch. It runs Next for 4 cycles then upgrades to proto Alpha.

Public RPC endpoints https://rpc.weeklynet-2025-03-26.teztnets.com
Faucet Weeklynet faucet
Rolling Snapshot Weeklynet snapshot
Full network name TEZOS-WEEKLYNET-2025-03-26T00:00:00.000Z
Tezos docker build tezos/tezos:master_a7099f6d_20250325163834
Activated on 2025-03-26T00:00:00.000Z

Install the software

⚠️ If you already have an existing Tezos installation, do not forget to backup and delete your ~/.tezos-node and ~/.tezos-client.

Alternative: Use docker

To join Weeklynet with docker, open a shell in the container:

docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/sh tezos/tezos:master_a7099f6d_20250325163834

Alternative: Build the software

⚠️ If this is your first time installing Tezos, you may need to install a few dependencies.

git clone git@gitlab.com:tezos/tezos.git
cd tezos
git checkout a7099f6d
opam init # if this is your first time using OPAM
make build-deps
eval $(opam env)
export PATH=$HOME/tezos:$PATH

Join the Weeklynet network

Run the following commands:

octez-node config init --network https://teztnets.com/weeklynet-2025-03-26

Recover from a snapshot

wget -O snapshot_file https://snapshots.tzinit.org/weeklynet/rolling
octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file

Run the node

Use the following command:

octez-node run --rpc-addr

Data Availability Layer

This network is running Data Availability Layer nodes.

The DAL nodes are accessible with the following endpoints:

  RPC P2P Endpoint
DAL Bootstrap Link dal.weeklynet-2025-03-26.teztnets.com:11732
DAL Teztnets Attester Link dal1.weeklynet-2025-03-26.teztnets.com:11732

For more info, read this blog post from Nomadic Labs.